Body Treatments

Home Massage


Having a party? Or just want a private in home massage for yourself or you and your partner? I’ll bring my table and come to you for an at home massage! Choose any of the listed massages below.

* I will travel only within a 25 mile radius from Windsor.

60 min | $140 75 min | $165 90 min | $190

My Fusion


This is my dance on and around your body. A little mix of all my trainings and teachings; what comes naturally and intuitively to me at the moment based on your needs. Closest to a Swedish massage with light to medium pressure. I add a unique flair with Lomi Lomi and Eselans long full body strokes, using a little elbows and pressure where need be. Option to add hot stones to warm underlying tissues and relax the muscles.  This is all under the umbrella a gentle reiki attunement. 

60 min | $135 75 min | $155 90 min | $175

Deep Tissue


My deep tissue work involves me warming up superficial muscles and then really working into the deeper muscles of your body with my elbows and hands slowly and meticulously.

60 min | $140 75 min | $160 90 min | $180

MLD - Full Body


Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a form of bodywork used in supporting your body's lymphatic system in its detoxification process. MLD is great for strengthening your immunity by moving around stagnant waste and fluid in the body that can result in edema and even cellulite. This treatment is very slow, rhythmic and relaxing and used with very little oil application. Treatment also includes some dry brushing and aromatherapy to support lymph movement. On the face and neck this treatment is amazing pre and post any facial surgery.

75 min | $150

Chi Builder


This fully clothed, active style massage releases deeply held tension. Working with the body's meridian lines, combining rocking, compressions, stretching and joint mobilization. I am taking my influences from my training in T’ui Na, a traditional Chinese massage technique. This massage clears blockages, revitalizes your energy, and opens the joints for great ease in movement. It will leave you feeling both relaxed and energized.

75 min | $145 90 min | $165



used in 90 min treatments Only

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